

78 Uppsatser om Canvas paintings - Sida 1 av 6

Plafondmålningar - Arkitektförbundet Måleri på duk, Skadefenomen och åtgärdsproblematik

The concept of large paintings includes panoramas, cycloramas and other paintings thatin size exceeds the normal magnitude of wall hung paintings. When these large paintingsare mounted in the ceiling, they are referred to as plafonds. When they are performedon canvas, certain kinds of structural distortions and stress occurs. In addition, becauseof their size and mounting high up in the ceiling, plafond paintings are often difficult tohandle, which leads to less or no maintenance. A plafond may therefore be left withoutattendance for many decades.This thesis has its focus on what happens with plafond paintings on canvas when they areexposed to gravitational forces, and the problems involved in restoring large paintingsmounted in the ceiling.

En studie av två fotorealistiska målningar ? en semiotisk reflektion

The main purpose of this essay is to examine, in what way the paintings by Karin Broosand Markus Åkesson are images of autentic situations and furthermore in what way themediespecific essence is performed photografically. Questions occuring: 1) How are thecreations of reality shaped in the two chosen photorealistical paintings? 2) In what waycan you distinguish the iconicity and indexicality in the paintings Den vita klänningenand The Passage? 3) How does the photografic presence occur in the paintings andfuthermore how can you distinguish the mentioned parts above according to thepaintings? The theoretical standpoint is based upon Charles Sanders Peirces ideasconcerning iconicity and indexicality. The methods used are based on thoughtspresented by Andrew Benjamin and Mieke Bal. The signs of iconicity and indexicalitycan be studied in various ways in the two paintings, depending on how abstract andobvious different parts occur in the paintings.

Främlingsbilder : Om judar och judendom i medeltida danskt och svenskt kalkmåleri

This thesis deals with the Jewish motifs of the medieval mural paintings in Denmark and Sweden; the presences of the motifs are of interest considering that no Jews were allowed entry into Scandinavia at the time. The purpose of the thesis is to study the Europeaninfluences in the medieval depiction of Jews and Judaism in the Danish and Swedish churches and the purpose for the production of the paintings. To this end, the Danish and Swedish mural paintings ? as well as the medieval texts and motifs of Jews and Judaismthat were used as source material ? are studied with respect to the attitudes conveyed. The Danish and Swedish mural paintings are unevenly distributed both within the groups of motifs as wells as its chronological and geographical spread.

Intressentens inflytande En studie av intressenternas roll vid kalkmålningskonserveringen i Barsebäcks kyrka, utifrån tekniska, formella och värdemässiga perspektiv.

Examensarbete för avläggande av filosofie masterexamen iKulturvård,30 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2013:29.

Kläder i målningar och verklighet : en studie av dräktframställningen i Pehr Hilleströms genremålningar

The artist Pehr Hilleström has been credited as the founder of the Swedish genre painting. In the second half of the 18th century he began painting everyday subjects of the different social stratums. Today his paintings are noted for their way of showing us the culture of the time since the photograph still had still not been introduced.   Hilleström was a court painter for King Gustav III who wanted him to depict the Swedish people and their different costumes. The king thought the costumes were of great significance for their psychological impact on people and therefore used them as a way to unite the nation psychologically, both by the genre paintings and also by making a national costume. The costumes were used as a symbol of an unbroken tradition and national heritage.

Att illustrera en känsla. Fyra bilder - Fyra känslor

My goal with this Project was to create four pictures which de¬scribed four different emotions. The purpose of the project was that the pictures would be placed in a psychology department and they could use them as a starting point for a discussion about the patients? emotions. My personal purpose was that I wanted to create pictures in scale 1:1 in an analogue fashion, and try to learn more about how people see and feel about pictures. What kind of thoughts can a picture give you? Can I create a picture which can be used as a platform for a discussion? Can I make a picture which describes an emotion? The making of the pictures started with developing ideas and then I took photographs of my friend Joel, in different situations and moods, which I used as reference for my paintings.

De medeltida målningarna i Arbrå kyrka : en typologisk tolkning

The aim of this essay is to investigate the murals in the church of Arbrå, what they portrait and how they can be linked to medieval typology as described in Biblia Pauperum (BP), the Poor Man?s Bible. The aim is also to find out what the purpose was to paint medieval churches and what the function of the paintings was. Arbrå Church was painted around 1520-1530, and almost all of the motifs from the Old Testament can be directly traced back to BP as can one motif from the New Testament. Together these paintings represent most of the important events which make out the foundation of the Christian Cult.

Konst som investering: En studie av investeringar i svenska kvalitetsmålningar under perioden 1985-2006

This paper analyses how Swedish fine-art oil paintings sold at auctions has performed as a monetary investment during the period autumn 1985 until spring 2006. An average price technique as well as a hedonic regression technique, applied to a sample of 19 213 auction sales, is used to construct price indices. The indices show somewhat different results, which is explained by the inability of the average price model to adjust for relative differences in quality between periods. The hedonic regression model on the other hand captures this effect, why the hedonic index is applied in a financial return model. By adjusting for transaction cost, the financial return of an average investment in paintings is calculated.

JÄMTGÅRDEN Dokumentation med fokus på interiörens limfärgsdekor

This bachelor thesis summarises the history of ?Jämtgården? based on literature research andempirical documentation. Jämtgården is a typical 1800th century duplex timber buildingoriginating from the province of Jämtland. However, it was moved to Västernorrlandslänsmuseum in Härnösand in the year of 1918. During the 1920's the museum decided tofocus on the region of Västernorrland and therefore Jämtgården was somewhat left behind.The building's interior walls are decorated with distemper paintings but the current conditionis poor.The aim of this thesis is primarily to compile knowledge about the building and its interiordecorations as well as finding out whether primary distemper paintings, from the periodbefore the relocation, remain on the walls.

Utvärdering av utvecklingsmiljön HTML5 vid utveckling av 2d-spel med fysikmotor

Det här examensarbetet utvärderar spelutveckling i HTML5. Detta innebär utveckling i JavaScript, CSS samt HTML med utnyttjande av den nya teknologin som medföljer HTML5 märkeringen. I detta fall är teknologin canvas-element som ritar ut 2-D grafik.Två implementationer av ett motorcykelspel har utvecklats med fysikmotorerna Box2D respektive Chipmunk.Målet med arbetet var att utvärdera bästa val av fysikmotor vid utveckling av ett spel i 2-D med krävande fysik i HTML5 till mobil..

Igenkänning, lånat gods och minnesfragment : En tematisk studie av de narrativa egenskaperna i tre bilder av Karin Mamma Andersson

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the narrative elements in three of the Swedish artist Karin Mamma Anderssons paintings and try to see what kind of stories that might be hidden in these paintings. I have chosen three different themes as tools for this study. They are: the meaning or the importance of the titles, painting as a medium and the narrative elements or components in the paintings. Furthermore I also use the semiotic method in my analysis based on the ideas of Roland Barthes combined with a feminist theoretical standpoint with a gender perspective. This means my study is based on the reception of these images and what kind of message they might carry.

Hur fungerar samarbete och är föräldrarna delaktiga? : en jämförande studie kring den föräldraaktiva och traditionella inskolningen på förskolan

This essay examines the debate that arose in connection to the sale of Carl Larsson?s monumental painting Midvinterblot in 1987. My main purpose is to examine which meanings the debaters ascribed Midvinterblot and in which way the debate influenced the paintings significance as cultural heritage. I will therefore argue that the debate initiated a renegotitation of the paintings meaning as cultural heritage. In the debate the debaters emphasized the National Museum?s responsibility over cultural heritage, Midvinterblots aestethic, the paintings economic value and its national implications.

E-business inom fastighetsbranschen : En undersökning av fastighetsbyrån Fantastic Franks differentiering genom E-business

Utifrån Canvas analysmodell, hur ser Fantastic Franks E-business ut? Hur är synen på E-business hos en liten nischad fastighetsbyrå?Syftet med denna studie är att analysera Fantastic Franks E-business genom Canvas analysmodell och analysera hur differentiering genom E-business påverkar företagets framgång.Genom intervju med ledningsgruppsrepresentant från Fantastic Frank samt med fastighetsmäklare på Fantastic Frank applicerades företagets affärsmodell på modellen Källor till värdeskapande i E-business företag. Denna metod användes för att undersökningens syfte att se hur Fantastic Frank differentierar sig genom E-business skulle kunna undersökas.Nyckelresurser, nyckelpartnerskap och nyckelaktiviteter är de viktigaste blocken inom Canvas analysmodell för Fantastic Frank, för att de ska kunna erbjuda en värdeproposition och differentiera sig. Andra fastighetsbyråer börjar erbjuda liknande tjänster med bostadsstyling och Fantastic Frank bör vidareutveckla sin tjänst. För att skapa värde bör Fantastic Frank utveckla relationer med kunder som köpt eller sålt bostad genom gemensamma intressen inom inredning/design.

Den lesbiska blicken : En undersökning av blick och betraktarskap utifrån tre målningar av Romaine Brooks

This paper aims to investigate the terms and conditions of a lesbian gaze and a lesbian spectatorship from a feminist and queer theoretical point of view. The empirical material consists of three paintings by the American artist Romaine Brooks (1874-1970).  Brooks was based in Paris in the early 20th century where she was surrounded by a group of intellectual and usually cross-dressing lesbians. The women within this context are the ones depicted in Brooks? paintings and this makes her one of the first artists in modernity to openly portray lesbian and cross-dressing women.

Katten i konsten på Nationalmuseum

The purpose of this science of Art History research paper is to find out the meaning of Cats in Art. I have limited my studies to the Nationalmuseums picture gallery and found forty paintings with cats. I have chosen sixteen of these to furthur analyze typographically and chronologically from a symbolic perspective. The forty paintings from the Nationalmuseum were created during four centuries, with the first being painted in the Sixteenth Century. I have studied the cats dimensional placement in the picture, if the cat is in an outdoor or indoor environment, with people and if the cat is active or passive.

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